Orgasm is the crowning of a successful and highly pleasurable session of sex. It puts a smile on the lips of satisfied women and makes men walk with a swagger. Its the biggest little thing in the world and the crucial detail and the end of a delightful exertion. Life without orgasms is simply not possible.
But orgasm is not limited in scope to making one (or two) people feel good for five or ten minutes before falling asleep. Science has shown that frequent sex and orgasms are very important to the general well-being and health of every person. The more frequent the orgasm, the better off that person is going to be on both the physical and psychological planes.
Everyday life is bound to result in some nervous tensions for most people as the troubles of jobs and relationships take their toll on the mental balance. Sex and orgasms are a chance for these tensions to join the psychological and physical build-up and release. Thus, the mind uses orgasm to flush the tensions out of the system and replace them with the delicious relaxation of that comes with pleasure.
Continue reading Health Benefits of the Female Orgasm